Newsletter RHC and LMS first edition 2024
New RHC employee
Dear everyone,

Since June 1, I have enjoyed working at RHC for 1 day a week, initially as a trainee surveyor.
In 1994 I started studying naval architecture at the HTS in Haarlem, because, like many fellow students, I really loved sailing. With internships at Rhebergen Multihull, Heesen Shipyards, Royal Huisman, MARIN and Ship and Yacht Design Gaastmeer, after graduating I went to TU Delft, and in 2001 I graduated in Ship Design at Smit Engineering. An interesting time as the Kursk was also going to be salvaged at that time. After graduating, I worked for a while at Vitters Shipyards and at Royal Haskoning, but I preferred to go sailing first, so I started working in the office at Amorgos sailing holidays and sailed many beautiful trips as an instructor and flotilla leader at home and abroad.
In 2004 I started my own sailing school for yacht sailing, Sailing School Pyxis Mare. After many wonderful years, I sold the sailing school in 2013 and started working as a teacher at the bachelor’s degree in Naval Architecture at STC-RMI. I thought at first only for a year, but I liked it so much that I still work at the STC, only now part-time at the Maritime Technology course of the STC-MLUoas, as a teacher and education manager.
Since last year, I have also been teaching the KZV shipbuilding course at the Enkhuizer Maritime School. At the same time I also obtained my KZV diploma and next winter I hope to also obtain the GZV. In my spare time I volunteer on the Helena and the Eendracht, both with home ports in Rotterdam. I also like to be, as often as possible, on the hockey field with my 2 sons, the ski slope or of course just relaxing on the water.
I look forward to keeping safe, classifying and admiring many beautiful ships in the coming years, and I wish you all wonderful journeys, and of course safe sailing!
Marieke Brouwer
ISM masts
In inland shipping, ILT is now asking for a rig book. Many of you will already have something like this and it is only a matter of time before ILT will also ask this of sailing seagoing vessels. To prevent this, we will also ask you to create a book (database). We have been asking this for a number of years for ships that regularly spend time on the ocean. In addition, most ships are familiar with ISM and the resulting procedures. Therefore, we don’t think this will be a major additional burden for most. That is why this year it is possible to show us your rig book, without us making an A, B, C or D item out of it. We will then review the rig book during the annual survey and provide advice on what this could look like in the future. This allows us to guarantee the quality that you can benefit from in the future.
Ten annual inspection of pressure vessel extinguishing gas installation
From now on, every ten years, all ships will be charged for the costs of attending the pressure test of the pressure vessel belonging to the extinguishing gas installation of the engine room. Unfortunately, it currently happens too often that RHC/LMS is not invited, perhaps to save costs. From now on, charging costs as standard will no longer only disadvantage all willing customers and everyone will be treated equally. If you need to have the pressure vessel inspected, please let us know and we will schedule the inspection.
Booms and gaffs
Given the developments in inland shipping, it is logical that RHC/LMS will place even more emphasis on rigging than was already being done. The spars in particular are of course important here. However, we notice that it regularly happens, during the annual safety inspection, that the booms and gaffs have very limited access due to the sails or covers. To save time and therefore costs, we request that you make the spars easily accessible before inspection.
Report C + D items, check on board only
From now on, outstanding C and D points will only be checked on board. Even if documents have already been sent to the office. This is done because various processed points are received per ship throughout the year, but these cannot be processed immediately by a surveyor. Since C and D points have a term of at least one year, these points can therefore be included in a subsequent annual inspection by the visiting surveyor. This surveyor will then collect and process the evidence that has already been submitted before the visit.
Only A and B points, due to the short term, will be checked during a subsequent re-inspection or can be processed with submitted evidence, provided the surveyor has indicated this on the surveyor’s report.
Rate increase 2024
We would like to inform you of our rate increase. As of January 1, 2024 we have increased our prices. We understand that price increases are always annoying. However, we are faced with increasing costs of personnel, suppliers and other business expenses due to economic conditions that we cannot avoid. After not introducing an increase in our first few years, we now cannot avoid indexing the rates for our services. The increase in our rates has been set at 10%. RHC/LMS wants to continue to offer its services in this way and will continue to make efforts to limit price increases as much as possible.
GMDSS installation
Changes are coming to the requirements for VHF, MF-HF and Inmarsat-C installations. This will take effect in 2028, but things may have to be adjusted to the installations retroactively. If anyone is considering renewing one of these installations soon, please contact us. Then we can discuss what is necessary and possible together.